There’s good news about eternity in the Gospel message. Of course, the saving message of the cross assures us as believers of the forgiveness of all our sins and empowers us to walk with the Savior in this life. Its saving message also contains great news about forever that enables us to put the the lawlessness, violence, and wickedness of our world into a proper context.
The Most Ignored Verse in the Bible
Politics or Potlucks
The Other Shoe
In many ways, waiting for the other shoe to drop describes the times in which we live, does it not? Believers who are aware that we live in the last days recognize the many indicators of Jesus’ soon intervention in the world, which will begin with the Rapture followed soon by the Tribulation.
For us who are in Christ, the “other shoe” will be joyful and wonderful, but for the world, not so much.
I Still Believe in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing
At a time of great discouragement and much heartache in my past, I focused on biblical promises and wrote several pages in my journal of why I still believed despite my awful circumstances. Perhaps it’s time for another declaration of why I still believe that Jesus will come for us before the start if the Tribulation.
“Concerning the Times and Seasons”
I believe the character of Satan, combined with that of the coming antichrist, explains the times and seasons in which we now live. In other words, should we not expect to see these traits in the world around us in the ramp up to the time when the devil’s kingdom becomes manifest on the earth through the “son of perdition?”
Coming to Grips . . . With a Government That Wants to Kill Me
Michelle Bachman, in an interview with Jan Markell, referred to the Biden administration is a “culture of death.” The facts confirm her statement. Those in charge of the United States display absolutely no interest in saving lives; I believe they are the ones seeking to killing me and many others within their jurisdiction.
Finding Peace in the Midst of Lawlessness and Deceit
The Tragic Divorce of Our “Blessed Hope” from the Gospel
What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?
Unforgettable Faces
America in the Crosshairs
The Unbiblical Basis of Amillennialism
Amillennialism dominated the church during the dark ages and persisted long after the Reformation. The reason for this rests with three factors that fueled this teaching for well over a thousand years and remain in place today, at least to some degree.
It’s vital to our faith that we understand the errant foundation of amillennialism so we can recognize the error and defend the integrity of Scripture when others seek to lead us astray.
The Rapture is Real
7 Reasons Why Premillennialism is a Biblical Necessity
Life in the eternal state will undoubtedly be spectacular,. Randy Alcorn, in his book Heaven does an excellent job of expanding our imaginations regarding what life might be like on the new earth and in the New Jerusalem. We have much to look forward to when the words of Revelation 21-22 ring true throughout the earth and universe.
If such is the case, does it matter what I believe about the millennial reign of Jesus? Absolutely!
The Necessity of Teaching a Literal Understanding of Prophecy
Why do so many believers today remain blind to the numerous signs that we live in the last days?
I believe a key reason for this lies with pastors and teachers today who in large numbers today embrace amillennialism, a belief system that denies biblical prophecies related to Jesus’ thousand-year rule and the restoration of a kingdom for Israel. As a result, they regard the miraculous emergence of Israel as a nation as mere coincidence without any prophetic significance.
Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life!
If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.
In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be.
Transhumanism: Is It Already Here?
At this point you may be asking, “Why should I care about transhumanism?” It’s because the future plans to merge humans with machines is something that already impacts you every day.
The globalists have begun implementing their plan to bring about the widespread acceptance of their transhumanism agenda, but very few recognize it as such.
Transhumanism: The Path to the Mark of the Beast
The path from here to eternity grows clearer with each passing day.
On the one hand, the globalists openly speak and write about their plans for transhumanism and the Great Reset, which sound remarkably similar to what the book of Revelation predicts for the future of the world. On the other hand, the Bible tells us that although these powerbrokers of today will enjoy success for a season, God will destroy them during the tribulation.