
“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

I believe the character of Satan, combined with that of the coming antichrist, explains the times and seasons in which we now live. In other words, should we not expect to see these traits in the world around us in the ramp up to the time when the devil’s kingdom becomes manifest on the earth through the “son of perdition?”

Finding Peace in the Midst of Lawlessness and Deceit

Finding Peace in the Midst of Lawlessness and Deceit

How do we as redeemed saints avoid anger when we look at the deceit and wickedness afoot in our world? I believe the Lord inspired Psalm 37 for just such a time as this.

Loosening Our Grip on This World

Loosening Our Grip on This World

The events of 2020 have uncovered a list of items in my life of which I had not yet fully let go.

I have always believed in a pretribulation rapture and during the past five years I have watched for Jesus’ appearing with much fervor. The Lord had already used affliction and suffering in my life to loosen my grip on many things in this world, but this year has brought a deeper meaning to letting go of the transitory things of life.