The response of Elie Wiesel when asked about why he’s vocal about politics.
During an online sermon that I listened to in the past, the preacher said that politics was “existential.” I am still trying to figure out what he meant, but if I’m correct about what else I heard, the overall gist of the message was for Christians to avoid politics.
Was he correct? I say no. I believe it’s essential that we as New Testament saints become informed, vote, and express our opinion as the Lord gives us opportunities to do so.
However, we must be ever so careful on social media. I have made several politically motivated comments in the past that I very much regret and wish I could take back. It can be a painful lesson to learn, as it was for me.
When choosing between stating one’s opinion regarding national and world events or remaining safely within the friendly confines of church potlucks, it might be helpful to ask oneself the following questions:
Am I Aware of the Prophetic Significance of Events in our World?
The common theme among the majority of those who oppose my mention of the issues of our day (aka politics), is that of blindness to the prophetic significance of what’s happening throughout the world. Those who understand how the decisions of national and world leaders fit into what Scripture tells us about the last days, however, understand the necessity of connecting the dots between their actions and biblical prophecy.
Christians who get the majority, if not all, of their information from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, hear mostly lies regarding the state of our world and regard those of us who warn people of the globalist’ agenda as conspiracy theorists or wackos. Sadly, they also believe that the COVID-19 injections are “safe and effective” despite the mountain of evidence that says they are neither.
Believers locked into the mainstream media misinformation more often than not remain blind to the events that point to the nearness of the Tribulation and hence to Jesus’ imminent appearing.
If you believe that we live in biblical times where world events point to the nearness of the Tribulation period and hence to Jesus’ appearing, keep reading.
Do I Help Those Who Hate the Lord?
Overall, King Jehoshaphat was a godly king who followed the ways of “his father David” (2 Chronicles 17:3). However, he made a tragic mistake when he formed an alliance the King Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel, one that many correctly regard as the wickedest of all the kings of Israel.
As result of his serious error in judgment, King Jehoshaphat barely escaped with his life from a battle in which he had joined forces with King Ahab against the Syrian army (2 Chronicles 18). The enemy forces killed Ahab in that battle.
Upon returning to Jerusalem after the battle, the prophet Jehu, the son of Hanani, spoke these words to Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the Lord. Nevertheless, some good is found in you, for you destroyed the Asheroth out of the land, and have set your heart to seek God” (2 Chronicles 19:2-3).
I have heard several people make a moral equivalence between the two political parties in America. This may have been true fifty years ago when one of my high school teachers said, “There’s not a nickel’s worth of difference between the two political parties and we should be thankful for that.” However, I can assure you with the utmost certainty that this is not the case in 2021.
Today, one party in the U.S. passionately promotes socialism, abortion, the LBGTQ agenda while imposing harsh vaccine mandates on people, soldiers, and workers, which have already caused an abundance of suffering and pain. Why support these things with your money or votes?
The other party is far, far from perfect, but several of its candidates do have a platform that more closely mirrors biblical standards of basic morality.
I cannot help but wonder if the Lord would ask believers who aid and support politicians that are vehemently opposed to biblical standards this question, “Why are you helping the wicked and loving those who hate me?”
Am I being too harsh? Perhaps I am, but I cannot escape this nagging thought ever since I read 2 Chronicles 19:2-3 a couple months ago.
For me, it means more determination to look in depth at candidates so as not to make the mistakes that I have made in the past.
DO I BELIEVE that Neutrality No Longer Remains an Option?
Elie Wiesel, a Romanian-born and Jewish-American writer, professor, political activist, Nobel laureate, and Holocaust survivor, wrote this about his involvement in politics:
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”[i]
We live at a time when tyrannical governments across the world torment its citizens with vaccine mandates. At least for me, neutrality no longer remains an option; I must continue to write about matters that negatively touch the lives of so many people in America and around the world and seek to encourage believers with the promises of the Bible regarding Jesus’ imminent appearing to take us home to heaven.
Please, please, please hear me when I say that I would so very much love to remain quiet about the dangers and risks of the COVID-19 injections, but several considerations keep me from doing so:
The multitude of stories that have come my way regarding the suffering and loss caused by the mRNA injections continue to haunt me, and I know they represent but a tiny sampling of the overwhelming pain and misery caused by them. The numerous stories of death and suffering are vividly real and I cannot forget them nor how they drove me to tears in some instances.
Despite the fact that a large majority have not yet suffered adverse effects from the jabs, the tragically high numbers of those killed, permanently impaired, or otherwise severely harmed by these injections is something I just cannot overlook or minimize.
The words of Proverbs 24:10-12 remain a source of conviction for me as I watch as the numbers of vaccine deaths climb each week. I must speak up.
The vaccine mandates that have already caused much loss, misery, and death in the United States. If fully implemented according to the plans of President Biden, they will devastate America and wherever else a government resorts to such cruel and wicked tyranny. Pray that this will not happen.
The inclusion of children as young as five in the vaccine push in the U.S. is over-the-top evil, and woe to me if I do not speak out against this wicked and criminal abuse of young children by the vile Biden administration. Pray that parents will have the wisdom to keep their children away from these deadly vaccines.
There’s coming a time when you will not be able to voice your opinion regardless of your vaccine status. This is already true in many countries, and it appears this may be the case in the U.S. in the near future.
As believers, we are not helpless before the wickedness of our day. We can respond in a variety of ways.
What Can I Do?
Since God’s calling along with our gifts and talents are different for each and every one of us, there’s really no simple answer to this question. The answer may be different for many of us.
Of course, we must pray as never before and immerse ourselves in the words of Scripture, which we need just as much as a fish depends on water for survival. We need the hope and eternal perspective we find in God’s Word.
Beyond those things, I will offer a few considerations:
1. Stay informed on what’s happening in our world. There are a variety of reputable sources of information available to you that provide the reality behind the fake news that continually bombards people on mainstream media.
2. Vote with a biblical worldview. Decades ago, I promised myself that I would never vote for a Presidential candidate in the U.S. who was not pro-life. I have now extended this conviction to any candidate on a national, state, or local level.
Is it not far better to refrain from voting than to help the wicked by supporting those who openly hate our Savior as demonstrated by their anti-Scripture and passionate support for issues such as abortion, the LBGTQ agenda, and Marxism? Remember the words of the prophet to King Jehoshaphat.
3. Be prepared to share the Gospel. The events of the past couple years have opened the hearts of many to the Gospel. Many of those currently outside the faith will tell you that they are scared by what they see once you engage them in conversations about current events. You may be surprised by who agrees with you when you mention the perils of life today and by how that opens up opportunities to share one’s faith.
JD Farag courageously connects the events of our day with biblical prophecy and as a result of his prophecy updates, a great number of people all over the world have put their trust in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and continue to do so.
4. Use extreme caution when speaking up on social media (if you are employed, it’s best to avoid social media altogether). But as the Lord leads, take advantage of opportunities to state your opinion lovingly and graciously (something I’m still learning to do).
I love church potlucks and fellowship. However, I will continue to speak out on what the Lord lays on my heart even if it means I’m excluded from such get togethers.
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[i] Alex Parale, 110+ Elie Wiesel Quotes From A Noble Political Activist, June 18, 2019, @