With the dawning of 2025, is there any cause for us to be less watchful than we were a year ago? No, I believe it’s rather a time for increased optimism. Of course, it would be more than a little foolish to predict that the Rapture will happen in the next twelve months. However, it would be equally so to say it couldn’t happen at any moment.
Gabriel's Announcement to Mary Speaks to the Lack of Discernment in Today's Church
The fulfillment of Messianic prophecies began with Gabriel’s visit to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:28-38). Along with explaining her supernatural virgin birth, the angel referred her Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah’s birth as a “child” (Isaiah 9:6-7). His message to the mother of Jesus included the promised millennial reign of her Son.
Why Does God Reveal the Future in Scripture?
Rapture Ramifications
In A World Obsessed With Jerusalem, How Can You Not See Bible Prophecy Unfolding?
The group, which calls itself the Global Alliance, will meet again in Brussels on November 11, 2024, and then soon after on the 28th with the goal of putting in place a seven-to-ten-year peace agreement that would divide the Land and the city of Jerusalem via a two-state solution.
This points to the future fulfillment of at least three specific Bible prophecies that are in some way preparing for the antichrist’s arrival on the world scene.
Why Israel and the Church Are Squarely in the World's Crosshairs
Have We Reached the Point of No Return?
Ancient Foes Impacting Today's World Events, and Your Future
What Will It Take for the Church to Wake Up?
The complacency of those outside of Christ is what I might expect given the vast deception and gaslighting that floods the airwaves. Sadly, most believers also live in a similar state of unawareness concerning the perils that threaten their future wellbeing.
What will it take for people to wake up? What will it take for the church to wake up?
The Political And Moral Supports Of Society Are Falling Into Ruins
Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?
The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth
Don't Look Outside the Window
Don’t Miss the Blessing of Watching Bible Prophecy Come To Fruition
Living in the last days has its challenges, to be sure. We see wickedness, lawlessness, and deception increasing at an exponential clip. As violence erupts all around us, I pray daily for the safety of our children and their spouses as well as for all our grandchildren.
On the other hand, we live at a time like no other. I recently read Matthew chapters 12 and 13 and as I did, a coupe verses reminded me of the wonder of being alive at such a time as this.
As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds
Suddenly - Everything Will Change
We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness
Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing
Colossians 1:15-20 doesn’t predict what’s going to happen next or reveal what lies ahead for this world. However, the descriptions of our Savior in these verses verify all that I believe about a pre-Tribulation Rapture, a literal seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign over the nations.