
5 Perils Facing President Trump

5 Perils Facing President Trump

Even with the positive and heartwarming scenes that emerged from Inauguration Day 2025, the US faces a future fraught with danger. The following perils facing the newly elected President are not exhaustive, but they are the ones I consider to be the most daunting.

What Would Jesus Say?

What Would Jesus Say?

If the first nine days of 2025 are any indication of what lies ahead, we are in for a wild ride. It was popular at the start of this century to ask, "What would Jesus do?" As we view pictures of the devastation left by the fires in Southern California, perhaps it might better to ask, "What would Jesus say?" about our day.

Perilous Times . . . In the Church

Perilous Times . . . In the Church

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul depicts the rebellious nature of people would mark the “perilous times” of the last days. We certainly see these attributes everywhere we look in our world. Sadly, however, they also exist among professing Christians, even among many who are truly born again.



If there’s one word that tells me that we don’t have much longer to wait for the Lord’s intervention in the world, it’s “unsustainable.” The current state of our world, already on the edge, is most certainly unsustainable.

What Will It Take for the Church to Wake Up?

What Will It Take for the Church to Wake Up?

The complacency of those outside of Christ is what I might expect given the vast deception and gaslighting that floods the airwaves. Sadly, most believers also live in a similar state of unawareness concerning the perils that threaten their future wellbeing.

What will it take for people to wake up? What will it take for the church to wake up?

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Satan’s tactics have not changed; he still seeks to inject insecurity into the final outcome of our faith, which makes it depend on our continuing love for the Lord rather than His unfailing love for us.

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

If not for Bible prophecy and my hope in Jesus’ soon appearing, I could see myself easily giving into the panic that abounds in our world. But I know that regardless of how dark and chaotic our world becomes, Jesus will have the final say.

Don't Look Outside the Window

Don't Look Outside the Window

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

Suddenly - Everything Will Change

Suddenly - Everything Will Change

The closer we get to the start of the Day of the Lord, the more we understand how the Rapture will serve as a sudden catalyst to jumpstart many of the events we read about in the book of Revelation.

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

I have heard many presentations of the Gospel where the pastor never said the words “eternal life,” or if he did, he mentioned it as an afterthought or as part of John 3:16 during his closing prayer. Why do so many pastors refuse to mention the biblically sound promise that we will live forever in imperishable bodies like that of our Lord Jesus

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Colossians 1:15-20 doesn’t predict what’s going to happen next or reveal what lies ahead for this world. However, the descriptions of our Savior in these verses verify all that I believe about a pre-Tribulation Rapture, a literal seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign over the nations.

HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine 

HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine 

In our new book, Hereafter, Terry James and I explore what the Bible reveals about eternity. What we discovered from our examination of Bible prophecy is just what the subtitle says, “It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine.”

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

Over the past few years, I have noticed an underlying current in teachings that deny such things as the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign before the eternal state. They have the net effect of diminishing Jesus’ role in end time events, which inevitably shifts the focus of the saints away from the Savior to the things of this life.

Scripture Must Have the Final Say in All Things Pertaining to Both Our Faith and Israel

Scripture Must Have the Final Say in All Things Pertaining to Both Our Faith and Israel

Since our status as justified saints can never be undone, the same perpetual quality must of necessity also apply to God’s promise of restoring a kingdom to the nation of Israel.

Both rest in the enduring quality of God’s Word and the unchangeable nature of His promises to us.

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

As a former pastor, I grieve because of what’s happening in many churches. The silence of shepherds keeps many saints in the dark regarding what lies behind current world events and diverts their attention to temporal things away from their glorious “blessed hope” in Jesus’ appearing.

Where Is the Hope?

Where Is the Hope?

If there’s anything people need today, it’s hope. We are immersed in a culture of violence, deceit, and death. In the U.S., mass shootings have become commonplace. The horrors of Hamas’ massacre shock those not drawn into the demonic lies spread by the Palestinians. Anti-Semitic rants have become commonplace on our streets and on many college campuses causing many to fear for their lives.

Does Jesus Lament Today's Silence Regarding His Imminent Appearing?

Does Jesus Lament Today's Silence Regarding His Imminent Appearing?

Jesus wept at the sight of Jerusalem knowing that its rejection of Him would lead to its destruction and much sorrow.

Does the Savior grieve today over the unwillingness of churches to mention anything concerning His appearing?

The Perils of Preterism

The Perils of Preterism

Preterism is one of today’s most popular views of the end times; it’s popularity among Christian leaders and pastors continues to grow.

In this article, I demonstrate the falseness of this belief with five egregious errors of preterism.