If the first nine days of 2025 are any indication of what lies ahead, we are in for a wild ride. It was popular at the start of this century to ask, "What would Jesus do?" As we view pictures of the devastation left by the fires in Southern California, perhaps it might better to ask, "What would Jesus say?" about our day.
Colliding Kingdoms Signal Jesus’ Soon Appearing
Revival Or Rapture?
The Great Reset Versus the Great Renewal
Clearing Away the Deception of Covenant Premillennialism
Covenant premillennialists believe Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament during His first coming; this includes all of God’s covenants with the nation of Israel including the promise of the Land, which the Lord says is an “everlasting covenant” (Psalm 105:8-11).
Their claim to be premillennial obscures their denial of a literal thousand-year reign of Jesus over the nations of the world.
A Jubilant Celebration Awaits Us
The noise was almost deafening. Up to that point, the Iowa crowd had been rather quiet as it looked like the Indiana football team was about to score another touchdown and seal their victory. The mood in the stadium changed suddenly when the Indiana quarterback lost control of the ball and an Iowa player, Tyler Sash, grabbed the ball and ran it eighty-six yards for a touchdown.
By the time he reached the goal line, all seventy-thousand Iowa fans were standing and cheering ecstatically.
COVID-19: Transition to the New World Order
Something clicked inside me the other evening as Ruth, my wife, and I read from the book Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge. As we took turns reading from his chapter, “Allowing for Transitions," a thought occurred to me on a completely different wavelength than that of the author.
What if our current COVID-19 experience is itself a time of transition for believers, the United States, and even the world?