The path from here to eternity grows clearer with each passing day as the prophecies of the book of Revelation leap off the page as never before.
The globalists of our day speak and write about their plans for transhumanism and the Great Reset, which sound remarkably similar to what the book of Revelation predicts for the future of the world during the tribulation. We also know that although these elite powerbrokers will enjoy much success for a season, God will destroy them, and Jesus will reign over the nations of the world for a thousand years.
At the current time, the world marches toward the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-18:
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
The following three initiatives are clearing a path that leads directly to the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13.
1. Patent WO2020060606: The Path to Controlling the Buying and Selling
Microsoft, along with Bill Gates, obtained this international patent in 2020: Patent WO2020060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data. Yes, this patent is real as is its number.
Here is the legal description of the patent:
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.[i]
This patent envisions the use of a sensor that detects “the body activity of the user” and reports it to an outside digital computing source. The behavior of the individual then becomes the basis for his or her award of “cryptocurrency.” The reward or lack thereof results from what the sensor reports regarding the conduct of the individual.
Now imagine a world where all currency exists digitally, and that day is coming, and your receipt of it does not come from the fruit of your labor, but from behaving according to the desires of a distant governing body that sets the parameters by which the computing source rewards you. This is the future envisioned by Patent WO2020060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.
We do not know whether or not the antichrist uses this exact system to control the world’s commerce. However, the patent gives us a clear picture of how he will accomplish this task and tells us that the technology and planning already exist for it. We also know that other existing technologies, especially artificial intelligence, make it possible for one person to control the commerce on such a massive scale.
2. ID2020: The Path to Include the “Great and Small” in the Mark
What about people in the remote parts of the earth? Does Bill Gates have a plan to include them in his futuristic world of reward and punishment? Yes, he does.
ID2020 is another Bill Gates and Microsoft initiative that seeks to provide 1.1 billion people in the world with the legal identification that they currently lack; it will give them a digital ID along with a vaccine, of course.
Here is a description of ID2020 from the official Microsoft blog, dated January 22, 2018:
As discussions begin this week at the World Economic Forum, creating universal access to identity is an issue at the top of Microsoft’s agenda, and we think technology can be a powerful tool to tackle this challenge. It was last summer that Microsoft took a first step, collaborating with Accenture and Avanade on a blockchain-based identity prototype on Microsoft Azure. Together, we pursued this work in support of the ID2020 Alliance – a global public-private partnership dedicated to aiding the 1.1 billion people around the world who lack any legal form of identity. To say that we were encouraged by its mission would be an understatement. We were inspired by it.
Today, we are excited to share that we are deepening our commitment to this issue by formally joining ID2020 as a founding member. In addition to a donation of $1 million, we will commit resources and expertise to further develop a secure, portable form of digital identity and help implement it across governments and agencies.[ii]
Notice the players include the World Economic Forum (WEF) that vigorously promotes both the Great Reset and transhumanism. ID2020 is not some isolated initiative that does not relate to the COVID-19 injections or the Great Reset; it’s all about identifying everyone on earth so the globalists can include them into their system of worldwide control, vaccinate them, and thereby monitor and control them.
3. “Quantum Dot” Technology: The Path to Marking the Right Hand or Forehead
So far, we have looked at the plans of the globalists to incorporate everyone on the planet into their scheme of controlling the flow of digital currency. But how do they intend to do this?
“Quantum dot” technology answers that question and I believe this will someday become the means for the antichrist to deliver his infamous mark and accompanying vaccine to the entire population of the world. By it, he will mark those who belong to him by tattooing their right hand or forehead.
A visualization of Quantum Dot vaccine delivery. The small needles dissolve when inserted into the skin leaving a mark or tattoo as well as injecting the vaccine into the body.
Bill Gates, in March of 2020, referred to “quantum dot” technology as the means for implantable vaccine “digital certificates” thus connecting this emerging technology to his ID2020 initiative.
The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.
The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedles dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.
The quantum-dot tattoos will likely be supplemented with Bill Gates’ other undertaking called ID2020, which is an ambitious project by Microsoft to solve the problem of over 1 billion people who live without an officially recognized identity. ID2020 is solving this through digital identity. Currently, the most feasible way of implementing digital identity is either through smartphones or RFID microchip implants.[iii]
The quantum dot delivery of a future vaccine will connect the recipient to an external digital source via the ID2020 technology to verify his or her vaccination. However, from everything we have learned so far about transhumanism and the sinister plans of the globalists, we recognize this as a key part of their agenda for world domination under the Great Reset of the WEF or the UN’s Agenda 2030, which necessitates the augmenting of humans via vaccines to make them compliant and obedient to the demands of the coming tyrannical and communistic one-world government, which will be slavery by any other name.
Please also note that the “quantum dot” technology will enable the antichrist to both mark and vaccinate people on the hand or the forehead.
Connecting the Dots
In summary, I will let Todd Hampson connect the dots for us:
The UN officially adopts a plan to change everything by 2030 with the promise that "no one will be left behind." Bill Gates pledges a "decade of vaccines" that culminates in the year 2030, and at the same time funds ID2020 with a manifesto that says (among many other things), "everyone should be able to assert their identity across institutional and national borders, and across time," and that they want to provide "an alternative to individuals lacking safe and reliable access to state-based systems."
In other words, vaccines and digital ID are merging together. But how?
Enter quantum dot technology. This new technology is well known, freely discussed in various online tech articles, and is the next step beyond microchipping. As I understand it, visible and invisible ink can be tattooed on someone as they are receiving a vaccine.
Embedded in this tattoo is digital technology that verifies they have had said vaccine. Presumably, this could also be technology used to give everyone/anyone a permanent digital ID.[iv]
Consider how the above three initiatives illuminate the path of the world to the mark of the beast:
With Patent WO2020060606, we have a picture of how existing technology will enable the antichrist to not only control the buying and selling of everyone, but also regulate their behavior once they receive his mark and vaccine.
Bill Gates’ ID2020 reveals his not-so-secret agenda to include everyone, “small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave” in his program to vaccinate everyone and provide them with a digital identity.
Through “quantum dot” technology, the coming “man of lawlessness” will be able to mark or tattoo everyone “on the right hand or the forehead,” provide everyone a digital ID that will track their every move and action, and vaccinate them at the same time.
Is it really so much of a stretch to connect the push for transhumanism with what God’s Word says will happen during the tribulation? Does recognizing the uncanny similarities between the agenda of the transhumanists and Revelation 13:16-18 really make someone a “conspiracy theorist?” I don’t think so.
Revelation 13 is not futurist code or a passage that one can twist to apply to the entire church age. If we look at what the apostle John wrote, what he intended to communicate, we see that it points to a literal mark from a real antichrist.
Do not let anyone deceive you into thinking that this is all symbolic with smooth sounding distortions of God’s Word.
The Good News
Through Jesus, God offers us life that greatly contrasts with the deadly path that the transhumanists have laid out for humanity.
First, in regard to Patent WO2020060606, the Lord does not reward us on the basis of our behavior (thank God!), but grants us salvation based solely on the blood Jesus’ shed for our sins. It’s precisely because we can never, never measure up to His standards that He intervenes with His grace, regenerates us, and gives us eternal life.
Jesus sets us free; the globalists plan to enslave people in order to carry out their deadly agenda.
Second, in Christ, our identity is so much more than a number on a distant computer database; we have a brand new and glorious identity! My favorite go-to passage for my identity as a redeemed saint is Ephesians 1:3-14.
1 John 3:1 says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” Romans 8:23 tells us that when Jesus appears to take us home, He will complete our “adoption” into God’s forever family.
If you belong to Jesus, you have an identity that far exceeds anything the world can offer. You are already a citizen of heaven and possess eternal life.
Third, as believers, the Lord seals us with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14) and in eternity He will mark us as belonging to Him as well as the New Jerusalem (Rev. 3:12). The mark of the antichrist will lead to perdition. The Lord’s mark will open the door for us to eternal life and a paradise beyond all we can imagine.
In my next post, I will contrast the Great Reset of the WEF with the great renewal that Jesus promises us.
My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is now available on Amazon. It’s written to provide hope for the perilous times in which we live.
[ii] Peggy Johnson, Partnering for a path to digital identity, Jan. 22, 2018, on the Official Microsoft Blog at:
[iii] Bill Gates will use microchip implants to fight coronavirus, 19-Mar-2020, Biohackinfo News. At:
[iv] Todd Hampson, ID2020 & Agenda 2030: Pathway To A Global Government & New World Order, May 11, 2020 on the Prophecy News Watch website.