
Evidence that Demands a Verdict

Evidence that Demands a Verdict

Similar to what Josh McDowell wrote in his book, when I place today’s signs of the last days in the scales, they tip the balance overwhelmingly in favor this being the last moments before we as New Testament saints meet the Lord in the air.

The mountain of evidence allows for no other verdict than the one that says we live in the season of Jesus’ appearing.

The Late Great United States

The Late Great United States

Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022, the blood of precious children still soaks American soil and cries out for justice. Several states remain fixated on the murder of the innocents with many corporations paying the travel expenses for women in states where laws prohibit such slaying.

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

Do not let the elite powerbrokers of our day deceive you; there is no climate emergency. This is one of many deceptions that Jesus said would characterize the last days (Matthew 24:4). The purpose of COP28 is about furthering the ruse that the globalists believe will enable them to gain control of all the nations.

A Fatal Illusion

A Fatal Illusion

It’s been heart-wrenching at times, but now I fear I have become numb to the nonstop drumbeat of suffering, disability, and death about which I read on almost a daily basis.

In the past couple years, I have read several hundred reports depicting the pain, suffering, and death caused by the COVID injections. Stories thoroughly buried by the mainstream news, but nonetheless real to those still suffering or grieving the loss of loved ones.

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

Scripture is remarkably clear about this: the time leading up to the seven-year Tribulation, as well as the period itself, will be marked by overwhelming and widespread deception.

As we look around us, it’s unmistakable that this has reached epidemic levels, which signifies that we live in the shadow of the coming seven-year Tribulation.

Now is the Time!!

Now is the Time!!

If there ever was a time in human history to be watching for Jesus’ appearing, it’s now!

Compared with my previous notions of godlessness and difficult times, I would characterize the day in which we live as perilous times on steroids.

A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity

A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity

We live on the edge if eternity. For those who know Jesus as their Savior, it will start when He catches us up to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:3-17). We live in biblical times.

As many of you know, I often write about the signs of the time. However, I feel compelled to do so again as reminder both to myself as well as to others of the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.

Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist

Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist

The phrase “wicked deception” in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 recently caught my attention. Although these verses speak to what will take place after the Rapture, deceit abounds throughout our world. I believe it’s one of several things currently illuminating the path leading to the unveiling of the antichrist.

“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

I believe the character of Satan, combined with that of the coming antichrist, explains the times and seasons in which we now live. In other words, should we not expect to see these traits in the world around us in the ramp up to the time when the devil’s kingdom becomes manifest on the earth through the “son of perdition?”

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

Because many believers reject the idea that we live in the last days before the events of the seven-year tribulation sweep over the earth, they fail to identify the many ways that makes today radically different than any previous time.

The abundance of signs that we see everywhere in our world tell us the tribulation period is ever so near and with that our departure, which happens before it.

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

When 2020 began, who could have imagined that a virus from China would take us closer to the tribulation? However, COVID-19 has done exactly that.

This “social control” is paving the way for the coming world government. The global warming alarm and the fear generated by COVID-19 are prepping society for the arrival of the antichrist.