I believe the character of Satan, combined with that of the coming antichrist, explains the times and seasons in which we now live. In other words, should we not expect to see these traits in the world around us in the ramp up to the time when the devil’s kingdom becomes manifest on the earth through the “son of perdition?”
What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?
The Great Reset Versus the Great Renewal
The Story of the Redeemed
Just as the denial of creation’s story spawns false and misleading beliefs regarding the environment, so the denial of our entire story, as redeemed believers, leads to false teaching in the church today. Just as with creation, we, too, have a glorious ending that Satan works overtime to hide from the faithful.
Don’t Let Thieves Steal Your Joyous Anticipation of Eternity
Our Glorious Future
Perhaps you wonder why I’m writing about glory amid the turmoil swirling around us today that points to uncertain days ahead for followers of Jesus, to say the very least. The spewing of demonic hatred at the highest levels of our government and media toward President Trump and his supporters is something that should greatly alarm even those who do not like him.
In Times Like These
When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the end of the age, Jesus began His answer with these words, “See that no one leads you astray” (Matt. 24:4). Jesus’ first warning about the last days concerned those who would seek to deceive His followers by leading them away from the truth. Does this not describe the world in which we all live?
Christmas Reminds us of the Integrity of Scripture
Christmas reminds me that God keeps His promises. Just as the Lord fulfilled many prophecies beginning with Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, so also, He certainly will fulfill all His promises and prophecies that have to do with the end times includes His return to take us back to His Father’s home and the Second Coming.
Indeed, we now see so the beginning of so many yet unfulfilled prophecies, which tells us they will certainly become a reality in the near future.
Patriotism Versus Eternal Expectations
It’s All About the Moment
Our World Hangs on the Edge of Eternity
I believe we live in a period of relative calm before a great storm sweeps across the planet. God’s judgment on the Christ-rejecting world is ever so close at hand. The rapidly approaching tribulation will bring people face to face with the wrath of the Lord and give them one more opportunity to turn to the Savior before they face an eternity apart from Him.
America: A Nation in Peril
If the globalists put Joe Biden in the White House, the task of implementing The Great Reset will be easy although it may not happen immediately. If President Trump wins re-election, they will seek to overthrow the government of the United States.
Much peril lies ahead for the United States regardless of who wins the November 3 election in the United States, but there’s great news for those who belong to Christ.
Biblical Prophecy Preserves My Sanity
Unheeded Warnings and Sudden Devastation
On May 18, 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted with such force that the top 1,300 feet of the mountain instantly disappeared. The explosion caused a huge landslide that moved down the mountainside at speeds in excess of 110 miles per hour destroying everything in its path, including the residence of Harry R. Truman.
Why mention a stubborn old man who refused to heed the warnings of impending disaster? Because he epitomizes so many in our world today.
One Minute to Midnight
Is this it? Are we living in the very last moments before the rapture? Is the seven-year tribulation taking shape before our eyes?
Far too many Christians answer “no” to these questions. It’s one minute to midnight and they remain asleep, unaware the we live in the perilous last days before the rapture.
Can We Walk Away from Our Faith?
While primarily a defender of biblical prophecy against the onslaught of false teaching, I see another point of confusion among the saints that I feel compelled to address. This teaching has led many believers astray with its assertion they can walk away from their faith and lose out on eternal life.
Loosening Our Grip on This World
The events of 2020 have uncovered a list of items in my life of which I had not yet fully let go.
I have always believed in a pretribulation rapture and during the past five years I have watched for Jesus’ appearing with much fervor. The Lord had already used affliction and suffering in my life to loosen my grip on many things in this world, but this year has brought a deeper meaning to letting go of the transitory things of life.
Not Now, I Have My Life to Live
One would think that with all the chaos in just the first six months of 2020 we would see a concentrated focus by pastors on biblical prophecy and warnings about what is to come, but such is not the case.
Why do we see such lack urgency in our churches as biblical signs of the coming tribulation explode around us like fireworks in the sky? Why do Christians, some of whom profess to believe in pretribulation rapture, flock to churches where they sadly hear no mention the Lord’s soon appearing or the imminent tribulation?
The Perilous Beliefs of Preterism
Why am I writing about preterism? It’s my passion to warn believers about false teachings related to future things and as such preterism requires our full attention because it distorts our Gospel hope.
Because of the widespread acceptance and popularity of preterism, it’s necessary to address key perils wrapped up in its false teaching.
A Jubilant Celebration Awaits Us
The noise was almost deafening. Up to that point, the Iowa crowd had been rather quiet as it looked like the Indiana football team was about to score another touchdown and seal their victory. The mood in the stadium changed suddenly when the Indiana quarterback lost control of the ball and an Iowa player, Tyler Sash, grabbed the ball and ran it eighty-six yards for a touchdown.
By the time he reached the goal line, all seventy-thousand Iowa fans were standing and cheering ecstatically.