Jesus' Kingdom

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

Over the past few years, I have noticed an underlying current in teachings that deny such things as the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign before the eternal state. They have the net effect of diminishing Jesus’ role in end time events, which inevitably shifts the focus of the saints away from the Savior to the things of this life.

We Are Heirs to the Kingdom

We Are Heirs to the Kingdom

The powerbrokers in our world work feverishly to bring about a global Marxist government over which they will rule and enslave the people of the world.

These globalists are powerful, famous, and exceedingly wealthy, but they will be forgotten relics of the past when we inherit an everlasting kingdom.

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

The woke culture that’s invaded many churches thrives on promoting a Jesus that’s far different from the One we read about in the New Testament, which always begins when a church discounts the meaning of words in the biblical text.

The words of Scripture matter. One cannot devalue their meaning without opening to door to false teaching.

12 Questions for Those Who Dismiss the Validity of Future Bible Prophecy

12 Questions for Those Who Dismiss the Validity of Future Bible Prophecy

Our joyous hope in Jesus’ soon appearing to take us to heaven before the seven-year Tribulation has its roots deep in the promises God made to Israel long, long ago.

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

I understand why so many question Jesus’ soon return given the fact that it’s been two thousand years since He promised to return.

In spite of the long wait, I’m convinced that Jesus’ appearing is imminent because of the myriad of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is right on our doorstep.

God’s King – As Revealed in the Psalms

God’s King – As Revealed in the Psalms

While reading through Psalms several times in the past few years, I have observed anew their prophetic value. Many of them look forward to Jesus’ return to earth and His reign over the nations of the earth.

The Poison Pill of Socialism

The Poison Pill of Socialism

The word “dystopia” perfectly describes what the United States would look like if all of Biden’s planned cuts in greenhouse gas emissions become a reality. This plan is inseparably linked with his declared socialist agenda for America.

Clearing Away the Deception of Covenant Premillennialism

Clearing Away the Deception of Covenant Premillennialism

Covenant premillennialists believe Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament during His first coming; this includes all of God’s covenants with the nation of Israel including the promise of the Land, which the Lord says is an “everlasting covenant” (Psalm 105:8-11).

Their claim to be premillennial obscures their denial of a literal thousand-year reign of Jesus over the nations of the world.

The Return of King Jesus

The Return of King Jesus

The Lord of the Rings is allegory; Jesus’ future return to earth is reality. In Tolkien’s symbolic tale of the Second Coming, King Aragorn defeats the forces of the demonic Sauron that are attacking Isengard. In biblical prophecy, Jesus will triumph over the forces that Satan will someday gather to destroy Jerusalem.

America: A Nation in Peril

America: A Nation in Peril

If the globalists put Joe Biden in the White House, the task of implementing The Great Reset will be easy although it may not happen immediately. If President Trump wins re-election, they will seek to overthrow the government of the United States.

Much peril lies ahead for the United States regardless of who wins the November 3 election in the United States, but there’s great news for those who belong to Christ.

The Basis of Surviving in a Chaotic World

The Basis of Surviving in a Chaotic World

Life in the eternal state will be spectacular, far beyond even our best experiences in this life. Randy Alcorn, in his book Heaven, does a superb job of expanding our imaginations regarding our future life on the new earth and in the New Jerusalem.

In the meantime, we live in a world submerged in chaos. The fear of CVID-19 has created a culture of fear unlike anything we have ever seen. Riots and violence fill the streets of our cities.

The Perilous Beliefs of Preterism

The Perilous Beliefs of Preterism

Why am I writing about preterism? It’s my passion to warn believers about false teachings related to future things and as such preterism requires our full attention because it distorts our Gospel hope.

Because of the widespread acceptance and popularity of preterism, it’s necessary to address key perils wrapped up in its false teaching.

A Jubilant Celebration Awaits Us

A Jubilant Celebration Awaits Us

The noise was almost deafening. Up to that point, the Iowa crowd had been rather quiet as it looked like the Indiana football team was about to score another touchdown and seal their victory. The mood in the stadium changed suddenly when the Indiana quarterback lost control of the ball and an Iowa player, Tyler Sash, grabbed the ball and ran it eighty-six yards for a touchdown.

By the time he reached the goal line, all seventy-thousand Iowa fans were standing and cheering ecstatically.

COVID-19: Transition to the New World Order

COVID-19: Transition to the New World Order

Something clicked inside me the other evening as Ruth, my wife, and I read from the book Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge. As we took turns reading from his chapter, “Allowing for Transitions," a thought occurred to me on a completely different wavelength than that of the author.

What if our current COVID-19 experience is itself a time of transition for believers, the United States, and even the world?

The Best Is Yet to Come

The Best Is Yet to Come

Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, I have felt a wide range of emotions. At times anger has surged inside me as I have watched news accounts of many elected officials attempting to take advantage of the crisis for personal or political advantage.

The words of Psalm 46:10 have been my frequent place of refuge the many emotions stirring inside me; they have often restored peace and brought greatly needed reassurance to my soul. Like many of you.

Calm Amidst the Storm

Calm Amidst the Storm

If you are like me, you are sick of hearing about COVID-19. I think that’s why I have delayed for so long in writing a post about it. I do not have new information to share about what to expect and I hear the same conflicting information as you do.

However, I do have some suggestions on maintaining a calm spirit during this time of chaos in our world.

It’s All About Jesus

It’s All About Jesus

What do all the modern and varying views of Christianity have in common? First, they ignore God’s Word in shaping their beliefs about Jesus.

Second, they deny the validity of Jesus’ words in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Continuing the Reformation

Continuing the Reformation

While Scripture alone must be our sole source for faith and practice, the study of church history does serve a couple useful purposes. First, it helps us understand the historical background for what we believe. And second, it refutes those who use church history against what we believe. This last point is especially true in the realm of future things.

The scoffers of our day love to tell us that no one believed like we do until the late nineteenth century.

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #2: Unique

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #2: Unique

The next signpost pointing to the occurrence of the rapture before the tribulation simply says “unique.” For pretribulationism to be biblical, the rapture and second coming cannot be the same event. If they are identical, we obviously cannot separate them by seven years or so.

If premillennialism is true, and it absolutely is, then then the following differences between the rapture and second coming passages argue strongly for regarding them as separate and unique events.

The Repackaging of Amillennialism

The Repackaging of Amillennialism

For several months I attended a church whose doctrinal statement affirmed its belief in premillennialism, the belief in Jesus’ reign over the nations before the eternal state. So my wife and I faithfully attended assuming the church stood by its statement of faith. Such was not the case.

Later, in discussing prophecy with the pastor I discovered he identified himself as a “covenant premillennialist.” I remained hopeful even then that he believed in a future for Israel and an actual millennium. I later discovered that he did not believe these things.