With the dawning of 2025, is there any cause for us to be less watchful than we were a year ago? No, I believe it’s rather a time for increased optimism. Of course, it would be more than a little foolish to predict that the Rapture will happen in the next twelve months. However, it would be equally so to say it couldn’t happen at any moment.
It’s Far Better To Heed God’s Warnings Now, Before They Become Reality
Questions that Confirm the Pretribulation Rapture, Part 2
The purpose of this two-part series on the pretribulation Rapture is to reassure fellow believers that the New Testament indeed places the Lord’s appearing for us before the start of the seven-year tribulation.
We live in a day when deception reigns all around us and fear characterizes most people in our world. The media and Big Tech censor truth as never before in America making it very difficult to discover the reality behind the fake news that confronts us every day.
Patriotism Versus Eternal Expectations
A Biblical Case for the Pretribulation Rapture
Jesus is coming for His saints, for us, before the start of this awful period in human history.
In the points below, I review the previous signposts that have led to our destination. I believe that combined they provide a solid scriptural foundation for placing the rapture before the start of the day of the Lord.