
Revival Or Rapture?

Revival Or Rapture?

Is this it? Are we at the end of human history as know it? Is the Rapture next on God’s prophetic calendar? Or are we about to see a worldwide revival that will halt the world’s seemingly unstoppable path to the kingdom of the antichrist?

The Good News About Eternity

The Good News About Eternity

There’s good news about eternity in the Gospel message. Of course, the saving message of the cross assures us as believers of the forgiveness of all our sins and empowers us to walk with the Savior in this life. Its saving message also contains great news about forever that enables us to put the the lawlessness, violence, and wickedness of our world into a proper context.

Coming to Grips . . . With a Government That Wants to Kill Me

Coming to Grips . . . With a Government That Wants to Kill Me

Michelle Bachman, in an interview with Jan Markell, referred to the Biden administration is a “culture of death.” The facts confirm her statement. Those in charge of the United States display absolutely no interest in saving lives; I believe they are the ones seeking to killing me and many others within their jurisdiction.

Finding Peace in the Midst of Lawlessness and Deceit

Finding Peace in the Midst of Lawlessness and Deceit

How do we as redeemed saints avoid anger when we look at the deceit and wickedness afoot in our world? I believe the Lord inspired Psalm 37 for just such a time as this.

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

The Biden administration’s gift of Afghanistan to the Taliban reveals many things about our world. Among other things, it tells us that the seven-year Tribulation is exceedingly close and hence the Lord’s appearing to take us home.

Unforgettable Faces

Unforgettable Faces

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of another battle that’s far more deadly than the one in Southeast Asia so long ago. It’s Satan versus humanity.

It also has its victims, faces that often flash across social media before the censors delete them in one way or another.

The Rapture is Real

The Rapture is Real

Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory is the substance of our hope in a troubled world. It’s critical that we understand it and not dismiss it as though it’s not essential to our Gospel hope or cast it aside as something that is not essential to our faith in a dark and dangerous world.

The Poison Pill of Socialism

The Poison Pill of Socialism

The word “dystopia” perfectly describes what the United States would look like if all of Biden’s planned cuts in greenhouse gas emissions become a reality. This plan is inseparably linked with his declared socialist agenda for America.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

Because many believers reject the idea that we live in the last days before the events of the seven-year tribulation sweep over the earth, they fail to identify the many ways that makes today radically different than any previous time.

The abundance of signs that we see everywhere in our world tell us the tribulation period is ever so near and with that our departure, which happens before it.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 4

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 4

The globalists needed something closer to home to generate the necessary panic through which they could control people’s behavior; and COVID-19 has done exactly that. It has created the needed worldwide climate of fear, which gives them the perfect opportunity to carry out their agenda for the Great Reset, the term that the World Economic Forum (WEF) gives to the coming world government.

Equality or Tyranny?

Equality or Tyranny?

On the surface, the Equality Act that the House of Representatives recently passed might sound harmless, but is anything but that. It’s extremely dangerous to all those who hold to a biblical faith.

The bill would eliminate freedom of speech and religion in America. It’s tyranny by any other name!

Christmas Reminds us of the Integrity of Scripture

Christmas Reminds us of the Integrity of Scripture

Christmas reminds me that God keeps His promises. Just as the Lord fulfilled many prophecies beginning with Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, so also, He certainly will fulfill all His promises and prophecies that have to do with the end times includes His return to take us back to His Father’s home and the Second Coming.

Indeed, we now see so the beginning of so many yet unfulfilled prophecies, which tells us they will certainly become a reality in the near future.

The Departure of 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Departure of 2 Thessalonians 2:3

So what’s the big deal in regarding apostasia in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as a physical departure rather than spiritual apostasy? It adds considerable support for belief in a pretribulation rapture, one that occurs before this period of God’s wrath upon the earth.

It confirms that Jesus must come for His church before the world knows the identity of the antichrist, which we know occurs at the beginning of tribulation, if not before.

Walking by Faith in Perilous Times

Walking by Faith in Perilous Times

Habakkuk lived in a day remarkably similar to ours and felt the exact despondency we feel as we witness the corruption, violence, and injustice of our day. His words in the opening verses of the book he penned sound eerily similar to many of our thoughts as we witness the injustice all around us.

The Return of King Jesus

The Return of King Jesus

The Lord of the Rings is allegory; Jesus’ future return to earth is reality. In Tolkien’s symbolic tale of the Second Coming, King Aragorn defeats the forces of the demonic Sauron that are attacking Isengard. In biblical prophecy, Jesus will triumph over the forces that Satan will someday gather to destroy Jerusalem.

America: A Nation in Peril

America: A Nation in Peril

If the globalists put Joe Biden in the White House, the task of implementing The Great Reset will be easy although it may not happen immediately. If President Trump wins re-election, they will seek to overthrow the government of the United States.

Much peril lies ahead for the United States regardless of who wins the November 3 election in the United States, but there’s great news for those who belong to Christ.

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

When 2020 began, who could have imagined that a virus from China would take us closer to the tribulation? However, COVID-19 has done exactly that.

This “social control” is paving the way for the coming world government. The global warming alarm and the fear generated by COVID-19 are prepping society for the arrival of the antichrist.

Yes! “Our Blessed Hope” Matters

Yes! “Our Blessed Hope” Matters

Just as the rapture infused hope into the boy of my past, it does so for believers today amid the lawlessness and rampant violence on our streets. It matters now more than ever before!

One has to consciously block out the many prophetic signs of the coming tribulation in order to deny that we live in the last days of human history. It’s simply not sensible to dismiss the words of the book of Revelation as history or allegory at a time when we see its prophecies coming to life before our eyes.

What Does It All Mean?

What Does It All Mean?

How do we reconcile these diverse scenes? On the one hand, we saw a firm stand for liberty, the life of the unborn, and the preservation of our freedoms. At the same time, we witnessed demonic outbursts of hatred, murder, and violence fully intent at destroying our way of life and God-given rights.

What does it all mean? What can we expect in the days ahead?

The Biblical Necessity of the Pretribulation Rapture

The Biblical Necessity of the Pretribulation Rapture

The events of 2020 have caused some dear saints to think that the tribulation has already started. Others may be wondering about the certainty of the pretribulation rapture as they watch violence, lawlessness, and violence overshadow our world.

My purpose in writing is to encourage believers to remain watchful as our world becomes a dark and foreboding place. Despite what we see, we can know Jesus is coming for us before the start of the seven-year tribulation.