Modern-Day Israel Fulfills Bible Prophecy

Modern-Day Israel Fulfills Bible Prophecy

On May 14, 1948, Israel again became a nation “in a day,” which was precisely what the prophet Isaiah predicted would happen (66:9). However, there are many more reasons to regard today’s Israel as occupying a key role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Satan’s tactics have not changed; he still seeks to inject insecurity into the final outcome of our faith, which makes it depend on our continuing love for the Lord rather than His unfailing love for us.

The Political And Moral Supports Of Society Are Falling Into Ruins

The Political And Moral Supports Of Society Are Falling Into Ruins

Long ago, David asked a question that’s on the minds of many believers today. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). In other words, what do we do as the political and moral supports of society fall to ruins around us?

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

If not for Bible prophecy and my hope in Jesus’ soon appearing, I could see myself easily giving into the panic that abounds in our world. But I know that regardless of how dark and chaotic our world becomes, Jesus will have the final say.

Don't Look Outside the Window

Don't Look Outside the Window

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation

The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation

The third Jewish temple been in the planning stage for three decades. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has made all the furnishings for the third temple with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant for which they claim to know the location of the original one. They have the architectural plans for it and are currently training Levites to serve as priests.

Don’t Miss the Blessing of Watching Bible Prophecy Come To Fruition

Don’t Miss the Blessing of Watching Bible Prophecy Come To Fruition

Living in the last days has its challenges, to be sure. We see wickedness, lawlessness, and deception increasing at an exponential clip. As violence erupts all around us, I pray daily for the safety of our children and their spouses as well as for all our grandchildren.

On the other hand, we live at a time like no other. I recently read Matthew chapters 12 and 13 and as I did, a coupe verses reminded me of the wonder of being alive at such a time as this.

As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

The sound of rain soothes my soul. This was particularly true this past Sunday morning as I sat in my office rehearsing the events of the previous evening. I knew it was likely someone might jeopardize the life of President Trump, but it shocked me to see it happen.

Suddenly - Everything Will Change

Suddenly - Everything Will Change

The closer we get to the start of the Day of the Lord, the more we understand how the Rapture will serve as a sudden catalyst to jumpstart many of the events we read about in the book of Revelation.

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

I have heard many presentations of the Gospel where the pastor never said the words “eternal life,” or if he did, he mentioned it as an afterthought or as part of John 3:16 during his closing prayer. Why do so many pastors refuse to mention the biblically sound promise that we will live forever in imperishable bodies like that of our Lord Jesus

We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness

We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness

What is the most ridiculed biblical belief of our day? Is it not our expectation of Jesus’ imminent appearing to take us home to Heaven? Sadly, the mocking of our “blessed hope” comes primarily from fellow believers.



Back in October 1962, I sensed the fear that gripped the U.S. because of the threat posed by the presence of Russian missiles in Cuba. Today, the situation is far more terrifying; because we are significantly closer to a nuclear conflict than in the last century. For most people, however, a dreamlike aura persists despite the imminent perils.

Jesus’ Soon Appearing Versus the Normalcy Bubble

Jesus’ Soon Appearing Versus the Normalcy Bubble

Most people live in a “bubble of normalcy” where they feel secure because of exaggerated and unrealistic hopes of either a return to normalcy or of their current lifestyle continuing indefinitely into the future unhindered by the perils around them. They sleep with no fear that their bubble might burst in the near future.

How Much Longer Can It Be?

How Much Longer Can It Be?

Just like a monkey about to hit a lion with a stick, the globalists are provoking dangerous beasts throughout the world knowing that their actions will not end well for a great many people. What’s different is that they will initially prosper from the anarchy they cause.

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Colossians 1:15-20 doesn’t predict what’s going to happen next or reveal what lies ahead for this world. However, the descriptions of our Savior in these verses verify all that I believe about a pre-Tribulation Rapture, a literal seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign over the nations.

Don't Run in the Wrong Direction with Bible Prophecy

Don't Run in the Wrong Direction with Bible Prophecy

With Bible prophecy, it’s necessary to distinguish between the comings and goings if one is to be regarded as “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Words matter (Proverbs 30:5) if we are to avoid running the wrong way.

The Unheeded Warning of Ebrahim Raisi's Death: Don’t Mess with Israel

The Unheeded Warning of Ebrahim Raisi's Death: Don’t Mess with Israel

The wicked misinterpret God’s patience and continue in their wicked ways. Raisi, thinking he was above reproach for his monstrous actions, continued to breathe out threats to destroy Israel, never imagining that the Lord would so soon hold him accountable for his great wickedness.

What More Does the Church Need to See?

What More Does the Church Need to See?

Never before has there been so much evidence pointing to the nearness of this time of wrath than today. However, never in recent history has there been so much unawareness and disbelief regarding Bible prophecy as we now see in churches.

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Has the definition of Premillennialism changed in the past few decades? I ask this because during the past several years, a few pastors told me they were Premillennial, but they didn’t adhere to a futuristic interpretation of the book of Revelation or the restoration of a kingdom to Israel.