The Temple

The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple

The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple

The third Jewish temple been in the planning stage for three decades. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has made all the furnishings for the third temple with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant for which they claim to know the location of the original one. They have the architectural plans for it and are currently training Levites to serve as priests.

But They Do Not See It

800 Train arriving Do you remember waiting for a train to arrive? For me, my most vivid memory of this is anticipating the arrival of a commuter train at the Foggy Bottom Metro Station in Washington, D.C. Besides the electronic clock that counted down the minutes until its arrival, I often watched for other signs of the train’s imminent arrival.

The blinking of the inset lights on the platform along the tracks initially indicated the nearness of an incoming train. Soon afterward, I would see its headlight reflecting through the dark tunnel at the far end of the station. As it drew closer, I heard the sound of it rumbling down the tracks and then the screeching of its brakes as it entered the station.  Almost simultaneously with these signs, people scurried down the escalators and rushed to get into position to board the incoming train.

I see many similarities between this scene and what I see in the world in advance of the cataclysmic period of time known in Scripture as the Great Tribulation or the day of the Lord.

Let me explain . . . .

The Signs Jesus Gave Us

In Matthew 24:4-28, Jesus gave us many indicators of what to expect during the time leading up to and during the Great Tribulation. For instance, He said we would witness an increase in earthquakes, famines, wars, and rumors of wars. Like birth pangs, these would increase in both number and severity. We see this especially with earthquakes. In just the past week, there have been about 90 earthquakes with an intensity of 4.0 or greater. All the signs are occurring now, exactly as Jesus predicted.

All the signs are occurring now, exactly as Jesus predicted.

In verses 9-14, the Lord predicted that great persecution of believers would take place during this time with his followers hated by all nations. Yet in spite of this, the Gospel would be proclaimed to all nations before He returns to earth. Does this not also fit perfectly with what we see in our world today?

The Temple

In Matthew 24:15, Jesus refers to the “abomination of desolation” predicted by the prophet Daniel. This will occur at the midpoint of the Tribulation when the antichrist defiles the Jewish temple and begins a severe persecution of Jews worldwide.  This means there has to be a Jewish Temple in place for the antichrist to defile.

Do we see any indication that this temple might be built soon? Absolutely! The Temple Institute in Israel has spent 30 years researching all the details of the temple. They have constructed many of its furnishings including the altar and candlestick. Just this past week, the government of Israel announced it is planning the infrastructure for transporting the expected huge crowds to the third temple when it is built. Even though they do not have access to the temple mount, the government leaders in Israel expect the temple to be built quite soon and are planning for what will happen afterward.

Isaac Newton, writing 300 years ago, predicted that Israel would be restored to the land in the future and the temple rebuilt.

In 180 AD, 110 years after the last temple was destroyed, Irenaeus wrote of the day when the temple would be rebuilt. Isaac Newton, writing 300 years ago, predicted that Israel would be restored to the land in the future and the temple rebuilt. He based his conclusion on his thorough study of the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Premillennialists throughout church history have always believed that one day the temple would be rebuilt before the midpoint of the Tribulation and today we seeing this prospect come to life before our very eyes. What more evidence could we want for the nearness of Jesus’ return?

The Peace Treaty

Daniel 9:27 predicts that the coming antichrist will make a covenant “with many” that will start the clock for the Tribulation. This peace treaty, which will undoubtedly include Israel, may perhaps pave the way for the building of the new temple. For many years, many have tried to bring peace to the Middle East and failed to do so.

Despite the failures of so many, it remains the never-ending quest of so many world leaders as they seek “peace and security.” Even this oft repeated phrase in news accounts all around the world is yet another indicator of the nearness of this day (1 Thess. 5:3).

The One World Government

As first predicted by the prophet Daniel, the antichrist will rise to power via a world government. We see this in Revelation 13 where this future leader controls buying and selling worldwide. Do we see the lead up to this world government in our world today? Oh yes!

Pope Francis just this past week issued an urgent plea for a one world government.

The UN, through its 2030 Initiative, has already provided the framework for such a government. Many influential voices in our world are currently pushing for this new world order including George Soros along with many of the powerful bankers throughout Europe. Pope Francis just this past week issued an urgent plea for a one world government using the ruse of the climate change crisis as the reason his appeal for the world to band together under one government.

I'm not predicting how the coming one world government will come about, I'm just saying that many powerful and prominent people are pushing for it and everything is in place once they are able to make it happen.

The One World Religion

Along with the one world government, a one world religion will also arise during the Tribulation led by a future person designated in the book of Revelation as the false prophet. By the midpoint of the Tribulation, he will force humanity to worship the antichrist or face dire consequences.

Again, we see compelling evidence that everything is also in place for this one world religion. At the end of June, Pope Francis hosted a video conference of religious leaders from all over the world pushing for just such unity of all religions, precisely as foreseen in Revelation 13. Everything is happening to bring about this one world religion, just as Scripture says will happen just before Jesus’ Second Coming.

Impending Disasters

Have you ever seen such a time with so much speculation of impending disasters? When speaking of a major deadly earthquake in Californian, geologists speculate as to “when” it might happen, not “if.” Although these same experts say a volcanic eruption in Yellowstone Park is not likely anytime soon, there have been over 800 small earthquakes there in the past few weeks, which has increased speculation that such a cataclysmic event might happen a whole much sooner than many expect.

It seems as though these Tribulation scale disasters, along with the predicted worldwide economic crash, are just waiting, suspended in time, for the right trigger to set everything in motion. Yet we wait.

There’s something else I noticed while waiting for trains to arrive at Foggy Bottom. Although I could at times see the reflection of a headlight as I stood on the platform, the train paused before entering the station. Sometimes this happened because there was another train in the station still loading passengers. At other times, I speculated that perhaps the train was ahead of schedule causing it to pause before entering the station.

I believe this is where we are at in regard to the Tribulation. We can see the headlight of the train reflecting through the dark tunnel. The Tribulation is so near we can almost hear its arrival, yet it awaits an appointed time.

With everything falling exactly into place for its beginning, why is there a delay? I believe the Lord in his mercy is waiting for as many people as possible to find eternal life in Him before initiating this horrible time of judgment.

God’s sense of time is much different than ours (see 2 Peter 3:8-9). The Tribulation could start this year, or next year, or possibly several years in the future. We cannot know exactly when it will start, we just know everything is ready for this day to begin based on all the signs we see.

In the midst of describing this coming day of the Lord wrath that will one day overtake the world, the prophet Isaiah makes this statement, “O Lord, your hand is lifted up, but they do not see it” (26:11).As the Lord lifts up His hand in judgment at some point, many will not see that as well. Is this already happening? Do you see it?

If there is anything that characterizes America today (even many in the church), it’s a total disregard for the words of Scripture. Many worship of Jesus of their own making refusing to believe He would judge or punish anyone who rejects Him.

Are you ready for our Savior to come? The inset lights along the tracks are blinking; the signs of the coming tribulation abound in our world. With the start of the tribulation fast approaching, how much longer can it be until Jesus comes for His followers and takes us home (see John 14:2-3)? He is coming for us before this terrible time on earth starts (1 Thess. 5:3, 9).



Temple Update, Part Two

priest-omer-barley-sacrifice-altar-2 This time the story jumped out at me; I did not initially overlook it as I did with the last temple news item, not even for a moment.

Last week, I posted a story about the Temple Institute starting a school to train Levites to be priests in the temple. Yesterday, August 29, I saw another news report regarding the temple that again spoke to me regarding the nearness of Jesus' return.

The Breaking Israel News website reported yesterday that the Sanhedrin has appointed the high priest to serve in the new temple. Here is an excerpt from the opening paragraph of the story from the website:

“A significant step was recently taken towards reinstating the Temple service when the nascent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol (high priest).  . . If the political conditions should change, allowing the Jews access to the Temple Mount, they will be required by Torah law to bring the sacrifices. Rabbi Kahane is confident that if that should happen, Temple service could begin in less than one week.”

The picture above is of the newly selected high priest offering a barley sacrifice to God on the streets of old Jerusalem. Just think, if the temple is built anytime soon, this man is headed for an encounter with the antichrist who will defile the temple halfway through the tribulation.

The training for the priests, the selection of a high priest, the formation of the Sanhedrin, and the sight of sacrifices offered in Jerusalem all represent significant events and raise many questions in my mind. The first question that comes to my mind is, “What am I missing?”

News reports out of the Middle East lead us to conclude that Jewish access to the Temple Mount is years away at best and likely will never happen. Yet under the radar of most news media we see intensifying of preparations for the third temple. That they could be ready within a week to start temple services surprises me. Why are the Temple Institute and the new Sanhedrin so dedicated to preparing for the temple and its services when they do not even have access to Temple Mount?

Do those making all these intense preparations know something we don’t? Is there a secret agreement already in place that allows future Jewish access to the Temple Mount and the construction of the third temple? Is this just wishful thinking on the part of those forming the Sanhedrin and selecting the high priest? Or, do they have a basis for their optimism in making such preparations?

I have more questions than answers. But I can’t help thinking all this activity points to something we do not know. I think they have a reason for their optimism; I believe their careful planning represents much more than wishful thinking.

My speculation regarding the temple is just that. Yet, the preparations for temple worship represent the fulfillment of prophecy right before our eyes or at least its beginning. Way back in AD 180 a prominent church father named Irenaeus spoke of the antichrist defiling a future temple in Israel (the Romans destroyed the one of Jesus’ day in AD 70). Yet we are the ones seeing all the preparations for this long-awaited temple referenced in both Matthew and Revelation. Will we also be the ones to meet Jesus in the air before we die?

We cannot know the day or hour that Jesus will return. However, as we see the world setting up exactly as we would expect before the beginning of the tribulation we cannot help but thinkthe rapture is getting close.

At times I get the sense everything is set and already in place for the tribulation to begin. Yet the Lord is holding it back, delaying its start, to give more people the opportunity to trust Him and find salvation in Him. Someday, however, the waiting will be over and in the “twinkling of an eye” we will be with the Lord.