As the walls of the world close in on us and threaten our wellbeing, freedoms, and perhaps even our lives in the days ahead, we know that our hope rests in the “steadfast anchor of our soul,” namely Jesus and our anticipation of His soon return for us.
The Magnificent Glory That Awaits Us in Eternity
We use the word “glory” to refer to many aspects of our walk with the Lord. In a real sense, glorify His name when praise Him and sing worship songs. We see a foretaste of God’s glory in beautiful sunsets, the grandeur of snowcapped mountain tops, and in many ways through the beauty and wonder of nature.
We will not see the full display of Jesus’ glory, however, until He appears to take us up to heaven!
Globalism, War, Economic Turmoil, Devaluing Human Life — The Day Of The Lord Is Looming
Salvation In No Other Name
Don’t Be Deceived: The Rapture Happens First
In recent years, however, the Greek Word apostasia, translated “falling away” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, has received heightened scrutiny with many regarding this as a reference to the Rapture.
Can we justify interpreting the word as a physical departure such as would point to Jesus’ appearing to take us back to heaven? I believe we can.
Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation
Revelation begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” The book is all about Jesus’ magnificence and power. From beginning to end, Revelation glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation is more relevant than ever before as we watch a great many of its prophecies came into sharper focus.
3 Ways Climate Alarmists Reject Biblical Truths
It's because of the current push across the world to demonize the use of fossil fuels as well as those of us who do not believe the climate alarmists that I have decided to write a series of articles in response. In this first post, I present a biblical view of the environment in response to those that claims we are the deniers of reality.
The Sound of Approaching Hoofbeats
It’s because the entire world is so very close to the fulfillment of Revelation 6:1-8, and Scripture assures us that we will be with Jesus before these riders begin their deadly and noisy trek across the planet. We will hear the sound of the trumpet before the world hears the hoofbeats of the riders of the Apocalypse.
Living Beyond the Moment
At critical times in his life, Esau made terrible decisions because he could not see beyond the moment. He lived for the immediate gratification of his desires without any regard for the consequences, for the future, or for eternity.
Esau’s life alerts us to the dangers of living solely for the temporal world, for things we can see versus those things that are eternal (2 Cor. 4:17-18).
Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize
As deception, government corruption, violence, and lawlessness increase daily in our world, it becomes increasingly difficult to hang on to our hope in Jesus’ imminent appearing.
How do we keep our focus on the Rapture during these perilous times? Is there any hope for those of us weary of waiting for His return?
Now is the Time!!
Ukraine: It’s What People Don’t See that Matters
Both Putin and Zelenskyy graduated from Klaus Schwab’s school for Young Global leaders. Schwab, founder and head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), promotes what he calls the Great Reset, which is a Marxist reordering of the world’s economy under one government.
So how do we explain what’s happening in Ukraine? It’s what we do not see that matters the most.
To know Bible prophecy and to see it converging and aligning as never before in human history assures me that the Lord will fulfill all things written in His Word for the days to come. As a believer, my future is glorious and secure regardless of man’s opinions and interpretations of what is happening
Storm Warning
The prophetic signs of our day resemble a storm warning. The dark threatening clouds on our horizon point to nearness of the time when the four horses of Revelation 6:1-8 will burst out of their stalls and gallop across the earth.
For us as believers, the black clouds on the horizon signal the nearness of Jesus’ appearing; we will be in heaven with Jesus when He opens the seals.
Keys to Surviving in Perilous Times
The word that’s translated “perilous,” or “difficult” in some translations, is Chalepos. This term denotes the last days as “dangerous” and “hard to bear.” In Matthew 8:28, it depicts the fierceness of the two men possessed by demons. The text says that they were “so fierce that no one could pass that way.”
Such are the dangerous times in which we live, and they will grow increasingly treacherous leading up to and during the seven-year Tribulation.
The Book of Revelation Magnifies Jesus
A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity
We live on the edge if eternity. For those who know Jesus as their Savior, it will start when He catches us up to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:3-17). We live in biblical times.
As many of you know, I often write about the signs of the time. However, I feel compelled to do so again as reminder both to myself as well as to others of the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.
The Good News About Eternity
There’s good news about eternity in the Gospel message. Of course, the saving message of the cross assures us as believers of the forgiveness of all our sins and empowers us to walk with the Savior in this life. Its saving message also contains great news about forever that enables us to put the the lawlessness, violence, and wickedness of our world into a proper context.