
Ukraine and the Devaluing of Human Life

Ukraine and the Devaluing of Human Life

I realize that such disregard for life has been a part of wars throughout history; it’s full of genocidal accounts committed by evil people yielded to the devil. Who else could inspire such atrocities?

What we see today is worse than anything before because the devaluing of human life is more widespread than ever before.

At Any Moment

At Any Moment

New Testament saints regarded the biblical event that we call the Rapture as something that could happen at any moment. It’s what they did. It’s something we should do as well.

The Rapture is My Precious Hope

The Rapture is My Precious Hope

My purpose for this post is not to defend the doctrine of the pretribulation Rapture as I have done in numerous blog posts as well as in my latest book, The Triumph of the Redeemed. Instead, I chose to explain why my hope in Jesus’ appearing is so dear to my heart.

The Rapture Is a Biblical Event

The Rapture Is a Biblical Event

Early in the twentieth century, belief in the Rapture became a mainstay at Bible-believing churches in America and throughout the world. Unfortunately, much has changed during the past twenty-five years. The word “Rapture” has become taboo in many churches, even in those that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

Keys to Surviving in Perilous Times

Keys to Surviving in Perilous Times

The word that’s translated “perilous,” or “difficult” in some translations, is Chalepos. This term denotes the last days as “dangerous” and “hard to bear.” In Matthew 8:28, it depicts the fierceness of the two men possessed by demons. The text says that they were “so fierce that no one could pass that way.”

Such are the dangerous times in which we live, and they will grow increasingly treacherous leading up to and during the seven-year Tribulation.

Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist

Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist

The phrase “wicked deception” in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 recently caught my attention. Although these verses speak to what will take place after the Rapture, deceit abounds throughout our world. I believe it’s one of several things currently illuminating the path leading to the unveiling of the antichrist.

Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation

Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation

I sincerely wish that I am wrong. I very much wish that I am indeed a “conspiracy theorist” as some accuse me of being. I would so very much like to say that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective.”

However, I must write what the Lord lays on my heart and will continue to do so.

The Good News About Eternity

The Good News About Eternity

There’s good news about eternity in the Gospel message. Of course, the saving message of the cross assures us as believers of the forgiveness of all our sins and empowers us to walk with the Savior in this life. Its saving message also contains great news about forever that enables us to put the the lawlessness, violence, and wickedness of our world into a proper context.

The Most Ignored Verse in the Bible

The Most Ignored Verse in the Bible

If I were to cite this verse for any Bible-believing saint, he or she would immediately affirm belief in what it says as well as its place in Scripture.

Yet, most Christians today not only ignore this verse, but live as though it’s message is not at all true.

I Still Believe in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

I Still Believe in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

At a time of great discouragement and much heartache in my past, I focused on biblical promises and wrote several pages in my journal of why I still believed despite my awful circumstances. Perhaps it’s time for another declaration of why I still believe that Jesus will come for us before the start if the Tribulation.

“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

“Concerning the Times and Seasons”

I believe the character of Satan, combined with that of the coming antichrist, explains the times and seasons in which we now live. In other words, should we not expect to see these traits in the world around us in the ramp up to the time when the devil’s kingdom becomes manifest on the earth through the “son of perdition?”

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

The Biden administration’s gift of Afghanistan to the Taliban reveals many things about our world. Among other things, it tells us that the seven-year Tribulation is exceedingly close and hence the Lord’s appearing to take us home.

Unforgettable Faces

Unforgettable Faces

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of another battle that’s far more deadly than the one in Southeast Asia so long ago. It’s Satan versus humanity.

It also has its victims, faces that often flash across social media before the censors delete them in one way or another.

Transhumanism: The Path to the Mark of the Beast

Transhumanism: The Path to the Mark of the Beast

The path from here to eternity grows clearer with each passing day.

On the one hand, the globalists openly speak and write about their plans for transhumanism and the Great Reset, which sound remarkably similar to what the book of Revelation predicts for the future of the world. On the other hand, the Bible tells us that although these powerbrokers of today will enjoy success for a season, God will destroy them during the tribulation.

The Story of the Redeemed

The Story of the Redeemed

Just as the denial of creation’s story spawns false and misleading beliefs regarding the environment, so the denial of our entire story, as redeemed believers, leads to false teaching in the church today. Just as with creation, we, too, have a glorious ending that Satan works overtime to hide from the faithful.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 2

Because many believers reject the idea that we live in the last days before the events of the seven-year tribulation sweep over the earth, they fail to identify the many ways that makes today radically different than any previous time.

The abundance of signs that we see everywhere in our world tell us the tribulation period is ever so near and with that our departure, which happens before it.

In Times Like These

In Times Like These

When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the end of the age, Jesus began His answer with these words, “See that no one leads you astray” (Matt. 24:4). Jesus’ first warning about the last days concerned those who would seek to deceive His followers by leading them away from the truth. Does this not describe the world in which we all live?

Are America's Foundations Crumbling?

Are America's Foundations Crumbling?

According to the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

This quote has been ringing in my ears since I heard about the election fraud taking place in many states.

The Indispensable Value of Biblical Prophecy

The Indispensable Value of Biblical Prophecy

What if we did not have biblical prophecy to provide a context for the events unfolding in our world? What if we did not have the book of Revelation to tell us we should expect to see a world government in the last days? What if we did not have Jesus’ words in Mathew 24 that speak of the days before His return to the earth?

Biblical prophecy is indispensable for the day in which we live!

What Does It All Mean?

What Does It All Mean?

How do we reconcile these diverse scenes? On the one hand, we saw a firm stand for liberty, the life of the unborn, and the preservation of our freedoms. At the same time, we witnessed demonic outbursts of hatred, murder, and violence fully intent at destroying our way of life and God-given rights.

What does it all mean? What can we expect in the days ahead?